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第 64 号





第一条 为了规范证券投资基金评价业务,引导证券投资基金的长期投资理念,保障基金投资人和相关当事人的合法权益,根据《证券法》、《证券投资基金法》等法律法规,制定本办法。

第二条 在中华人民共和国境内,基金评价机构对证券投资基金(以下简称基金)进行评价并通过公开形式发布基金评价结果,适用本办法。


第三条 本办法所称基金评价业务,包括基金评价机构及其评价人员对基金的投资收益和风险或基金管理人的管理能力开展评级、评奖、单一指标排名或中国证监会认定的其他评价活动。



第四条 从事基金评价业务,应当遵循下列原则:







第五条 中国证监会及其派出机构依法对基金评价业务活动进行监督管理。中国证券业协会依法对基金评价业务活动进行自律管理。

第六条 基金评价机构应当加入中国证券业协会。


第七条 基金评价机构应当在加入中国证券业协会后15个工作日内向中国证监会报送书面材料进行备案,材料应当包括下列文件:








第八条 基金评价机构应当具有健全的组织架构和完善的内部控制制度;有足够熟悉基金及其评价业务的专业人员;有完善、系统的评价标准、方法以及严谨的业务规范。

第九条 基金评价机构的内部控制应当促进基金评价业务的有效开展和规范运作:








第十条 基金评价人员应当具备基金从业资格。



第十一条  从事基金评价业务应当有完善、系统的理论基础、标准和方法。基金评价方法应当基于机构自己的研究成果,不得侵犯其他基金评价机构的有关知识产权。












第十三条 基金评价机构应当将基金评价标准、评价方法和程序报中国证监会、中国证券业协会备案,并通过中国证券业协会网站、本机构网站及至少一家中国证监会指定信息披露媒体向社会公告。基金评价机构修改上述内容时,应当及时备案、公告。

第十四条 任何机构从事基金评价业务并以公开形式发布评价结果的,不得有下列行为:










第十五条 基金评价机构与评价对象存在当前或潜在利益冲突时,应当在评级报告、评价报告中声明该机构与评价对象之间的关系,同时说明该机构在评价过程中为规避利益冲突影响而采取的措施。


第十七条 基金评价报告等文件应当声明评价结果并不是对未来表现的预测,也不应视作投资基金的建议。

第十八条 基金评价结果应当以基金评价机构的名义而并非基金评价人员的个人名义发布。





第二十二条 基金管理人、基金销售机构及中国证监会指定信息披露媒体决定引用基金评价结果的,应当事先根据本办法第十四条要求的业务规范对基金评价结果做出审查,发现有违反业务规范情形的,应当提请基金评价机构做出调整或拒绝进行引用。


第二十三条 基金评价机构及其评价人员违反本办法规定从事基金评价活动的,中国证监会依法采取责令改正、监管谈话、出具警示函等监管措施;情节严重的,依法进行行政处罚;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关,追究其刑事责任。

第二十四条 中国证券业协会应当对违反自律准则和执业规范的行为给予纪律处分;情节严重的,取消会员资格。





第二十九条 基金管理人、基金销售机构及中国证监会指定信息披露媒体引用或发布不具备中国证券业协会会员资格的基金评价机构提供的基金评价结果的,中国证监会采取责令改正、出具警示函等监管措施,单处或者并处警告、罚款;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员单处或者并处警告、罚款。

第三十条 基金评价机构违反本办法规定,聘任不具备基金从业资格的人员的,中国证监会采取责令改正等监管措施,单处或者并处警告、罚款;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员单处或者并处警告、罚款。

第三十一条 基金评价机构未按照本办法规定保存有关文件和资料的,责令改正,单处或者并处警告、罚款。

第三十二条 基金评价机构有下列行为之一的,中国证监会采取责令改正、监管谈话、出具警示函等监管措施,单处或者并处警告、罚款:







第六章附 则

第三十三条 本办法自2010年1月1日起施行。

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第一章 总则
第一条 为保证本市行政执法机关和行政执法人员依法行政,加强对行政执法工

第二条 本规定适用范围:

第三条 本规定所称行政执法是指第二条规定的享有行政执法权的机关、组织及

第四条 本规定所称行政措施是指区县人民政府、市人民政府所属工作部门发布

第五条 本规定所称行政执法监督是指上级人民政府对下级人民政府、各级人民

第六条 行政执法和行政执法监督工作,必须遵循有法必依、执法必严、违法必

第七条 行政执法和行政执法监督工作受法律保护,其他机关、社会团体、企事

第八条 市人民政府领导全市的行政执法和行政执法监督工作。

第九条 市、区、县人民政府法制办公室和市人民政府所属工作部门的法制机构

第二章 行政执法
第十条 行政执法活动,必须以法律、法规、规章及区县人民政府和市人民政府

第十一条 行政执法机关和行政执法人员必须在法律、法规、规章及行政措施规

第十二条 行政执法实行持证执法制度。行政执法人员依法执行公务时,应出示

第十三条 区县人民政府、市人民政府所属工作部门应当建立培训制度,对行政

第十四条 各级人民政府及其所属工作部门可以根据工作需要委托其他组织行使

第十五条 委托执法应符合下列规定:

第十六条 受委托组织必须以委托机关的名义并依照委托的权限行使行政执法权

第十七条 查处行政违法、违章行为,应按下列程序进行:

第十八条 行政执法机关在职权范围内,应及时办理公民、法人或其他组织的申

第三章 行政执法监督
第十九条 行政执法监督的主要内容包括:

第二十条 行政执法监督的方式:

第二十一条 区、县人民政府法制办公室和市人民政府所属工作部门的法制机构

第四章 奖励与惩罚
第二十二条 对行政执法机关和行政执法人员在行政执法和行政执法监督工作中

第二十三条 行政执法机关违反本规定的,由本级人民政府或上级行政主管部门

第五章 附则
第二十四条 本规定由市人民政府法制办公室负责组织实施并解释。

第二十五条 本规定自一九九二年四月一日起施行。





第一章 总 则
第一条 为了加强放射性药品的管理,根据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》(以下称《药品管理法》)的规定,制定本办法。
第二条 放射性药品是指用于临床诊断或者治疗的放射性核素制剂或者其标记药物。
第三条 凡在中华人民共和国领域内进行放射性药品的研究、生产、经营、运输、使用、检验、监督管理的单位和个人都必须遵守本办法。
第四条 卫生部主管全国放射性药品监督管理工作。能源部主管放射性药品生产、经营管理工作。

第二章 放射性新药的研制、临床研究和审批
第五条 放射性新药是指我国首次生产的放射性药品。药品研制单位的放射性新药年度研制计划,应当报送能源部备案,并报所在地的省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门,经卫生行政部门汇总后,报卫生部备案。
第六条 放射性新药的研制内容,包括工艺路线、质量标准、临床前药理及临床研究。研制单位在制订新药工艺路线的同时,必须研究该药的理化性能、纯度(包括核素纯度)及检验方法、药理、毒理、动物药代动力学、放射性比活度、剂量、剂型、稳定性等。
第七条 研制单位研制的放射性新药,在进行临床试验或者验证前,应当向卫生部提出申请,按新药审批办法的规定报送资料及样品,经卫生部审批同意后,在卫生部指定的医院进行临床研究。
第八条 研制单位在放射性新药临床研究结束后,向卫生部提出申请,经卫生部审核批准,发给新药证书。卫生部在审核批准时,应当征求能源部的意见。
第九条 放射性新药投入生产,需由生产单位或者取得放射性药品生产许可证的研制单位,凭新药证书(副本)向卫生部提出生产该药的申请,并提供样品,由卫生部审核发给批准文号。

第三章 放射性药品的生产、经营和进出口
第十条 放射性药品生产、经营企业,必须向能源部报送年度生产、经营计划,并抄报卫生部。
第十一条 国家根据需要,对放射性药品实行合理布局,定点生产。申请开办放射性药品生产、经营的企业,应征得能源部的同意后,方可按照有关规定办理筹建手续。
第十二条 开办放射性药品生产、经营企业,必须具备《药品管理法》第五条规定的条件,符合国家的放射卫生防护基本标准,并履行环境影响报告的审批手续,经能源部审查同意,卫生部审核批准后,由所在省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门发给《放射性药品生产企业许可证》、《派湫砸┢肪笠敌砜芍ぁ贰N扌砜芍さ纳⒕笠担宦刹蛔忌⑾鄯派湫砸┢贰?
第十三条 《放射性药品生产企业许可证》、《放射性药品经营企业许可证》的有效期为五年,期满前六个月,放射性药品生产、经营企业应当分别向原发证的卫生行政部门重新提出申请,按第十二条审批程序批准后,换发新证。
第十四条 放射性药品生产企业生产已有国家标准的放射性药品,必须经卫生部征求能源部意见后审核批准,并发给批准文号。凡是改变卫生部已批准的生产工艺路线和药品标准的,生产单位必须按原报批程序经卫生部批准后方能生产。
第十五条 放射性药品生产、经营企业,必须配备与生产、经营放射性药品相适应的专业技术人员。具有安全、防护和废气、废物、废水处理等设施。并建立严格的质量管理制度。
第十六条 放射性药品生产、经营企业,必须建立质量检验机构,严格实行生产全过程的质量控制和检验。产品出厂前,须经质量检验。符合国家药品标准的产品方可出厂,不符合标准的产品一律不准出厂。
第十七条 放射性药品的生产、供销业务由能源部统一管理。放射性药品的生产、经营单位和医疗单位凭省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门发给的《放射性药品生产企业许可证》、《放射性药品经营企业许可证》,医疗单位凭省、自治区、直辖市公安、环保和卫生行政部门联合发给的《放射性药品使用许可证》,申请办理订货。
第十八条 放射性药品的进出口业务,由对外经济贸易部指定的单位,按照国家有关对外贸易的规定办理。
第十九条 进口放射性药品,必须经中国药品生物制品检定所或者卫生部授权的药品检验所抽样检验;检验合格的,方准进口。

第四章 放射性药品的包装和运输
第二十条 放射性药品的包装必须安全实用,符合放射性药品质量要求,具有与放射性剂量相适应的防护装置。包装必须分内包装和外包装两部分,外包装必须贴有商标、标签、说明书和放射性药品标志,内包装必须贴有标签。
第二十一条 放射性药品的运输,按国家运输、邮政等部门制订的有关规定执行。
第二十二条 医疗单位设置核医学科、室(同位素室),必须配备与其医疗任务相适应的并经核医学枝术培训的技术人员。非核医学专业技术人员未经培训,不得从事放射性药品使用工作。
第二十三条 医疗单位使用放射性药品,必须符合国家放射性同位素卫生防护管理的有关规定。所在地的省、自治区、直辖市的公安、环保和卫生行政部门,应当根据医疗单位核医疗技术人员的水平、设备条件,核发相应等级的《放射性药品使用许可证》,无许可证的医疗单位不得临床使用放射性药品。
第二十四条 持有《放射性药品使用许可证》的医疗单位,在研究配制放射性制剂并进行临床验证前,应当根据放射性药品的持点,提出该制剂的药理、毒性等资料,由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门批准,并报卫生部备案。该制剂只限本单位内使用。
第二十五条 持有《放射性药品使用许可证》的医疗单位,必须负责对使用的放射性药品进行临床质量检验,收集药品不良反应等项工作,并定期向所在地卫生行政部门报告。由省、自治区、直辖市卫生行政部门汇总后报卫生部。
第二十六条 放射性药品使用后的废物(包括患者排出物),必须按国家有关规定妥善处置。

第五章 放射性药品标准和检验
第二十七条 放射性药品的国家标准,由卫生部药典委员会负责制定和修订,报卫生部审批颁发。
第二十八条 放射性药品的检验由中国药品生物制品检定所或者卫生部授权的药品检验所承担。

第六章 附 则
第二十九条 对违反本办法规定的单位或者个人,由县以上卫生行政部门,按照《药品管理法》和有关法规的规定处罚。
第三十条 本办法由卫生部负责解释。
第三十一条 本办法自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated by Decree No. 25 of the State Council of the People's
Republic of China on January 13, 1989 and effective as of the date of

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
These Measures are formulated to strengthen the control of radioactive
drugs in accordance with Pharmaceutical Administration Law of the People's
Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Pharmaceutical
Administration Law)
Article 2
"Radioactive drugs" refer to any forms of radionuclide or their tagged
drugs that are used for clinical diagnosis or in radiotherapy.
Article 3
All units or individuals in the People's Republic of China are required to
abide by these Measures when they are engaged in research work,
production, business, transportation, consumption, examination,
supervision and administration work related to radioactive drugs.
Article 4
The Ministry of Public Health is in charge of the supervisory and
administrative work of radioactive drugs while the Ministry of Energy is
in charge of the administration work concerning the production and sale of
radioactive drugs.

Chapter II Examination and Approval for the Development and Cli- nical Research of New Radioactive Drugs
Article 5
"New radioactive drugs" refer to those radioactive drugs that are made in
China for the first time. The annual plan of any drug research units for
the development of new radioactive drugs must be submitted to both the
Ministry of Energy for the record and to the health administration
department at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly
under the Central Government) level. Then an itemized plan made by the
latter shall be presented to the Ministry of Public Health for the record.
Article 6
The development of a new kind of radioactive drug includes the research
work in its technological process, quality requirements,
preclinicopharmacological study and clinical study;
The research unit, when designing the technological process for a new
drug, must study the physical and chemical properties, purity (including
pureness of radionuclide), testing method, pharmacology, toxicity, nuclein
animal dynamics, radiospecific activity, dosage, pharmaceutical forms and
stability of that radioactive drug. Furthermore, the research unit must
make a study of radio-immunity analysis container with respect to its
scalability, range, specificity, accuracy, precision and stability.
New kinds of radioactive drugs shall be classified in accordance with the
provisions for the examination and approval of new pharmaceuticals.
Article 7
Before the newly developed radioactive drug is put to clinical test or
verification, an application together with the data and sample must be
submitted to the Ministry of Public Health in accordance with the
provisions for the examination and approval of new pharmaceuticals.
The newly developed radioactive drug may be used for clinical study at an
appointed hospital only after its application has been examined and
approved by the Ministry of Public Health.
Article 8
After completion of clinical study of a newly developed radioactive drug,
the research unit must submit an application to the Ministry of Public
Health for examination and approval.
The latter shall consult the Ministry of Energy before granting a New Drug
Article 9
Before a newly developed radioactive drug is put to production, the
production unit or the research unit that holds a license for the
production of radioactive drugs must submit an application together with a
copy of New Drug License and sample to the Ministry of Public Health.
After examination and verification, the Ministry of Public Health shall
issue them document of approval.

Chapter III The Production, Sales, Import and Export of Radio- active Drugs
Article 10
The enterprises that produce or sell radioactive drugs are required to
submit their production plan and business plan to the Ministry of Energy
and a duplicate to the Ministry of Public Health.
Article 11
The State shall, according to the actual conditions, make sure that
radioactive drugs be produced at designated pharmaceutical factories which
shall be located rationally over the country. Applications for the setting
up of any enterprises to produce or sell radioactive drugs must be
approved by the Ministry of Energy before the preparations start in
accordance with related provisions.
Article 12
Requirements for the setting up of enterprises to produce or sell
radioactive drugs are that they must have the necessary conditions as
stipulated in Article 5 of the Pharmaceutical Administration Law and that
they must meet the essential standard of radio hygiene protection set by
the State. They are also required to submit a report on environment impact
to the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Public Health for
examination and approval and then the health administration department in
their province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the
Central Government shall issue them "License for the Production Enterprise
of Radioactive Drugs", "License for the Business Enterprise of Radioactive
Drugs". No enterprises without the license shall be permitted to engage in
the production or sale of radioactive drugs.
Article 13
The term of validity of "License for the Production Enterprise of
Radioactive Drugs" and "License for the Business Enterprise of Radioactive
Drugs" is five years. If needed, the enterprises engaged in the production
or sale of radioactive drugs shall make a new application six months
before the expiration to the health administration department which shall,
in accordance with Article 12 of these Provisions, issue them a new
Article 14
Before an approved pharmaceutical enterprise produces radioactive drugs
with specifications already set by the State, it must forward an
application which has to be examined and approved by the Ministry of
Public Health in conjunction with the Ministry of Energy. If any changes
in the technological process and specifications of the drugs previously
approved by the Ministry of Public Health are to be made, the
pharmaceutical factory shall be required to go through the same procedures
for approval.
Article 15
The production and business enterprises of radioactive drugs are required
to employ technical personnel who are qualified for the work and to have
safety and protection facilities as well as waste gas, liquid and material
disposal facilities. They must also have a strict quality control system.
Article 16
The production and business enterprises of radioactive drugs are required
to set up quality inspection offices. The entire process of production
must be put under strict qualify control and inspection.
All radioactive drugs are subject to quality testing. Only the products
that meet the State pharmaceutical standard shall be allowed to be shipped
out from the factories. Products that are not up to the standard are not
allowed out of the factory. As for the drugs with short half-life
radionuclide previously approved by the Ministry of Public Health, they
may be shipped out from the factory while having sample testing. If the
drugs are found to be below the State pharmaceutical standard, the factory
must stop the production and sale of the drugs immediately and inform
consuming units to stop using the drugs without delay. A report about the
case must be submitted to both the Ministry of Public Health and the
Ministry of Energy.
Article 17
The production, supply and sale of radioactive drugs are under the unified
administration of the Ministry of Energy.
When ordering these stuff, the pharmaceutical factory must furnish a
License for the Production Enterprise of Radioactive Drugs while the
business unit must present a License for the Business Enterprise of
Radioactive Drugs issued by the health administration department at the
provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central
Government) level. As for the medical treatment unit, they must order
these drugs with a License for the Use of Radioactive Drugs jointly issued
by the public security department, the environment protection department
and health administration department at the provincial, autonomous
regional or the municipal (directly under the Central Government) level.
Article 18
The import and export business of radioactive drugs shall be handled by
the units appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and
Trade in accordance with the State provisions related to foreign trade.
Prior to the import or export of radioactive drugs, an application must be
made and be examined and approved by the Ministry of Public Health.
Imported radioactive drugs are required to meet the State standards for
pharmaceuticals or other medical requirements.
Article 19
Imported radioactive drugs are subject to sample examination by the State
Administration for the Inspection and Testing of Pharmaceuticals and
Biological Products or by an inspection and testing institution of
pharmaceuticals authorized by the Ministry of Public Health. Only those
drugs that have met the State standards are allowed to be imported. As for
the drugs with short half-life radionuclide previously approved by the
Ministry of Public Health, they may be put to use upon being shipped in
while having import inspection. If the import inspection unit finds the
quality of imported drugs not up to the standard, they must inform the
consuming units promptly to stop using the drugs. A report about the
quality problem must be submitted to both the Ministry of Public Health
and the Ministry of Energy.

Chapter IV The Packaging and Shipment of Radioactive Drugs
Article 20
The packaging of radioactive drugs must be safe and reliable, and up to
the standards for the quality requirements of radioactive drug. There must
be protection devices that will match different radio dosages. The
packaging is required to consist of packing and inner packaging. There
must be trade mark, label, specifications and marker of radioactive drugs
on the packing and a label on the inner packaging. On the label there must
be name of the drug, radiospecific activity and packings.
The specifications must indicate the name of the producer, license number,
batch number, main composition, date of manufacture, half-life of
radionuclide, indications, administration, dosage, contraindication,
expiry date and precautions in addition to name of the drug, radioapecific
activity and packings.
Article 21
The shipment of radioactive drugs shall be handled in accordance with the
rules formulated by the State transportation and postal departments. No
unit or person shall be allowed to carry along radioactive drugs on any
means of public transportation.

Chapter V The Use of Radioactive Drugs
Article 22
If a medical treatment unit desires to set up a radiologic department or a
radioisotope department, it is required to employ technical personnel who
are qualified for radiotherapeutic work after special technical training.
Without prior technical training no personnel shall be allowed to use the
drugs in radiotherapy.
Article 23
When a medical treatment unit uses radioactive drugs, it must observe the
rules formulated by the State concerning radioisotope hygiene and
protection. The health administration department, the public security
department and the environment protection department at provincial,
autonomous regional or municipal (directly under the Central Government)
level shall issue a certain grade of License for the Use of Radioactive
Drugs according to technical skill and professional level of the
radiological personnel and equipment of the medical treatment unit. No
medical treatment unit without a license is allowed to use radioactive
drugs clinically.
The term of validity of a License for the Use of Radioactive Drugs is 5
years. If needed, the medical treatment unit must make a new application 6
months before the expiration of its license to the health administration
department which, after examination and verification shall issue it a new
Article 24
Before a medical treatment unit holding a License for the Use of
Radioactive Drugs starts the preparation of any forms of radioactive drug
for clinical use, it is required to submit an application with the data
concerning pharmacology and toxicity of the radioactive drug, according to
the characteristics of the radioactive drug, to the health administration
department at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly
under the Central Government) level for approval and to the Ministry of
Public Health for the record. That form of radioactive drug can be used
only in the medical treatment unit.
Article 25
The medical treatment units that hold a License for the Use of Radioactive
Drugs are required to conduct clinical quality testing of the radioactive
drugs and find out their undesirable reactions and submit regular reports
to the health administration department. The health administration
department at the provincial, autonomous regional or municipal (directly
under the Central Government) level shall then present an itemized report
to the Ministry of Public Health.
Article 26
Waste material of radioactive drugs (including patients' excrement) must
be properly disposed of in accordance with the State regulations.

Chapter VI The Standards for Radioactive Drugs and Their Testing
Article 27
The Pharmacopoeia Commission under the Ministry of Public Health is
entrusted to formulate and revise the State standards for radioactive
drugs and then submit it to the Ministry of Public Health for examination
and approval before it is promulgated.
Article 28
The State Administration for the Inspection and Testing of Pharmaceuticals
and Biological Products or an inspection and testing institution of
pharmaceuticals authorized by the Ministry of Public Health is entrusted
to inspect and examine radioactive drugs.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
Article 29
Any unit or individual that violates these Measures shall be penalized by
the health administration department at or above the county level in
accordance with the Pharmaceutical Administration Law and other rules and
Article 30
The right to interpret these Measures resides in the Ministry of Public
Article 31
These Measures shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.